18: Francesca Olsen (House Sparrow) & Digital Citizenship
Francesca Olsen (House Sparrow)
& Digital Citizenship
Francesca Olsen is a multi-talented higher education professional who works at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. She is also the frontwoman for the western Mass two-piece band, House Sparrow. In this episode of the podcast, Craig and Francesca dive into the world of social media in higher education, as well as what it is like to tour and play gigs as a professional staff member. And you get to hear some tunes from the new House Sparrow album, "Eat Honey, Taste Mud," which is out this Friday!
- Francesca discusses her love of the Western Mass with much fondness because she's at the forefront of the scene - alongside Sounds and Tones Records label-runner, Chris Hantman.
- Check out Francesca's DIY blog, Digital Wheatpaste, for all things within the DIY subcultures of New England and beyond!
- Make sure to read up on the new House Sparrow album over at New Noise Magazine!
- If you've already through "1984," make sure you give "Without You, There is No Us," by Suki Kim a read and then reach out to Francesca so you can talk about it!
- Because of this conversation, Francesca turned me onto the 99% Invisible podcast and I'm now obsessed with it!
- While Francesca is an all-time fan of Guided by Voices, she strongly urges you to check out the lovely new jams from Alvvays.
- You got to hear a bunch of tracks from the new House Sparrow album, "Eat Honey, Taste Mud," which is out this Friday through Sounds and Tones Records!
- Visit HouseSparrowMusic.com or housesparrowmusic.bandcamp.com to stream and/or purchase the new album right now!
- You can also watch the video House Sparrow's song, "You'll See Colors."
- Also, as an extra note, you might be able to hear some music in the background while I'm doing the ads during this episode - the music playing on my turntable was the 2016 pg.lost album, "Versus." Some damn-fine post rock instrumental tunes.
- This week we hyped up Half Access - which is the nonprofit founded by our eighth guest, Cassie Wilson. Half Access was started with the purpose of amassing as much venue accessibility information as possible to inform venues across the country and the world about how to better construct and renovate spaces to accommodate the needs of disabled music goers.
- Visit HalfAccess.org/contact to reach out to Cassie and volunteer your time to supporting the cause of making music venues for inclusive and accessible so that our communities can truly thrive.
- Any love on the iTunes app helps! CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE ITUNES STORE!
- Follow along on Instagram and Twitter @eduPUNXpod!
Thanks so much for tuning in and I'll see you next week!
Up the punx!
Let's get to work.
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