Hi friends!
My name is Craig Bidiman and I am glad you made it to my website! That's so cool! I hope you are here on purpose, otherwise, this would be a little weird. But hey, while I have your attention, I might as well let you know about what happens on this website!
On this website you will find the myriad of projects, ideas, and artistic outlets that I lead, create, or participate in some capacity. You will also find information on how to bring ME to your campus, community, or cafe to perform, speak, or lead a workshop on the topics that I hold dear to myself.
I am originally from Oregon, where I spent the first 25 years of my life. After six years of college, I obtained two Bachelor of Arts degrees (BA in English & BA in Education with a minor in creative writing) from Oregon State University. While in Oregon, I was involved in the DIY concert scene, queer activism, and ate a lot of brunch.
Apparently, I’m always looking at something to the right.
Me, in my natural environment, at work at UMass Boston - spreading love and music every day. I enjoyed my time working at UMB.
Eventually I moved to Massachusetts to pursue a Masters of Education in Higher Education Administration from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. This was the fresh start on life that I needed to discover my true passion in life - wellness education.
After six years of being a sexual health and mental health educator at UMass Boston, I am now the Assistant Director of Campus Programs at Wentworth Institute of Technology. So I am now helping college students put on their own events and programs to bring together their peers in fun, creative ways.
And by trade, I am a spoken word artist, musician, painter, public speaker, nonprofit owner, and amateur podcast host. Yes, I do all of those things. And I made this site so that you can access everything I do on ONE site. You can listen to my new podcast, the eduPUNX podcast, listen to my spoken wordcore music, check out my nonprofit - the Art of Survival, commission a painting, and/or BOOK ME to speak on your campus!
I loved being a wellness specialist at UMass Boston because, as much as speaking in front of hundreds of students is fun, I cherish the moments I when I get to consistently share info on self-care on a smaller scale.
Meyers Briggs:
Extrovert | Intuitive | Feeling | Perceptive
Strengths Quest:
1. Communicator
2. Activator
3. Strategic
4. WOO
5. Individualization
Astrological Information:
Sagittarius Sun
Aquarius Moon
Sagittarius Rising
Jupiter Rule
Year of Rabbit
Favorite Food:
Sushi & Potato wedges
Favorite Beverages:
Polar Seltzer
Favorite Sport:
To play - baseball/softball & golf
To watch - basketball & pro wrestling
Favorite Hobby:
Listening to records and chewing Juicy Fruit.
Favorite TV shows:
Arrested Development
30 Rock
American Dad!
The West Wing
Favorite Writer(s):
Walt Whitman
CS Lewis
William Faulkner
Saul Williams
Favorite Book(s):
"As I Lay Dying," William Faulkner
"Leaves of Grass," Walt Whitman
"Where the Wild Things Are," Maurice Sendak
"A Clockwork Orange," Anthony Burgess
"Cloud Atlas," David Mitchell
"Phantom Tollbooth," Norton Juster
Favorite Musical Artist(s):
At the Drive-In
Bon Iver
Circa Survive
Explosions in the Sky
La Dispute
Manchester Orchestra
The Mars Volta
Minus the Bear
Tegan and Sara
Touche Amore
Here I am speaking at the Rhode Island College Welcome Day Celebration - I told a number of stories about how I survived college.