78: David Cave & the Search for Meaning through Recovery
78: David Cave & the Search for Meaning through Recovery
David Cave is a former skrams vocalist from Denver, Colorado - which is where most of the stories in this conversation take place. Because before moving to Boston and quickly becoming one of my best friends, David lead an entirely different life. From beginning to drink and smoke at a young age, to getting in recovery through meetings and having a sponsor, to eventually finding some peace with the universe, David has lived a lot of life in just 33 years. Now, 13 years sober, David finds himself reading a lot of existentialist works, in Dharmic meditation, and seeking a lot of meaning as he moves into perhaps the biggest next step in his life - fatherhood. We had a lot of fun recording this conversation late one Saturday night after eating a bunch of Buffalo Wild Wings, and it was totally time well spent. I hope you enjoy this one!
- This week you got to hear tunes from the new Spanish Love Songs album, “Brave Faces Everyone,” which comes out this Friday (2/7) through Pure Noise Records.
- On this episode, you got to hear the tracks, “Losers” and “Kick.” You can check out the entire “Brave Faces Everyone” album through all of the streaming platforms! Also, snag a vinyl copy of the album as well!
- And if you’re new to the podcast, you might be interested in the conversation I had with Dylan Slocum of Spanish Love Songs back in October of 2018 - here’s a link to that chat!
- This week, you got to learn about the ConnectEDU Network, of which this podcast is now a contributing member!
- ConnectEDU Network connects the unique perspectives and expert insight of higher education through podcasting. If you’re affiliated with higher education – from professor to director of marketing – you’ll be able to find a podcast that fits your style. Our podcasts are produced and hosted by passionate and innovative members of the field, all fueled by the excitement of the future of higher education.
- You should check out all of the Network’s content creators and podcasts right now if you’re looking for some new education-based pods!
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Thanks so much for tuning in - we will be back in two weeks with another great chat!