X: Intro & Manifesto
X: Intro
& Manifesto
Welcome to the eduPUNX Podcast!
Craig Bidiman here! I'd love to welcome you to the introductory episode of the eduPUNX podcast! On this teaser, I share my vision for the future of this podcast.
I started this podcast with the sole purpose of sating my selfish desire to learn more about the educators in the world. By combining my love of education with my experience and understanding of punk culture, I am to create a community around challenging the present and future of education by discussing the work with today's every day educators, the every day disrupters.
I will be talking with people within and on the perimeter of education. I am using this phrase broadly because I will bring in voices from the world of elementary education, student affairs in higher education, musicians, sex educators - essentially anyone that I find interesting or finds me and wants to talk about how we educate and reach different populations with the purpose of creating good dialogue to inform the next generation of human beings.
I want this to be a community of learning, and a community of support. The conversations in this podcast will range from college access to mental health and wellness, from the experiences of educators of color to dismantling white privilege. I welcome any educators from any realm to chat!
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes, and follow along on Twitter to keep updated on new episodes!
- Background song is "Allston," by I/O
You can check out more tunes from I/O at iomusicofficial.bandcamp.com.
- In future episodes, there will be notes for each conversation based on specific references or plugs that may be made during the episode. So look forward to lots of good stuff being shared soon!
I explain in the podcast that I will only bring in advertisements from other educators' side projects/side-hustles, who wish to hype up the extraneous work they do to keep themselves busy and to earn a little extra on the side. These spots will not be charged. They will be free. So if you have something you would like to hype, please let me know! If you would like to advertise on this podcast to reach out to me, so use this email to connect - edupunxpod@gmail.com!
- Please include the type of creative side-gig you have, how you can be reached, and some specific details you might want me to include when sharing information about your project!
Check back Tuesday for our FIRST EPISODE!
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and follow along on Twitter @eduPUNXpod!
Be well. Up the punx!